Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dream Nuptials a Labour of Love

Photo Giancarlo Jacob

On Valentine's Day, my husband and I just took a very pleasant stroll around St Lawrence Market in the downtown area. Nothing extraordinaire... Love, as always, was in the air!

Oh, but we did find it amusing that this year's Valentine's blessed us with an article in the Toronto Star, exactly one year after we got engaged in Paris, France. This was an unexpected gift.

* Read the article
**For more details concerning the wedding step-by-step preparations, go through the posts in this blog's Wedlock topic, or go directly to the final blog post showing the photos of the wedding!

1 comment:

BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour Christine,
Such a lovely photo, you make a beautiful couple. I just clicked over to the aricle, how exciting. It sounds like you planned the perfect wedding celebration.
Good week to you.

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